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Happy New Month, the 8th month, the month of new beginnings. Thank GOD we are alive to the Glory of GOD. Thank GOD for HIS Faithfulness and Mercies. All Glory and Honour be to JESUS. Amen.
Today, the Bread of Life on our table is AMAZING GRACE. May the Holy Spirit help us in JESUS Name. Amen.
Grace can be defined as the Love and Mercy given to us by GOD because GOD desires us to give it, not necessarily because of anything we have done to earn it. Grace, in this context, that we are led to “feed on” at the LORD’s table is a process which brings us into GOD’s purpose for our lives. A little understanding of the Grace of GOD which is beyond human comprehension would make one desire HIM more and just want to be in HIS Awesome Presence.
Remember those days as children when there was storytelling time? As a child, one would be so excited and just wants to listen to the fables. Food then was secondary, playing with peers was deferred. Likewise, when one experiences the Awesome Presence of GOD, it just gives the content needed for survival no matter the pressure.
GOD’s Grace is Amazing.
The acronym Grace can be said to be GOD’s Riches At Christ’s Expense or GOD’s Righteousness At Christ’s Expense. These two will suffice for this purpose.
In life, we go through a lot of experiences. We do not necessarily go through the same experience as others, but the testimony is always ‘I went through this by the Grace of GOD.’
A person who thinks “oh I have arrived”, is suddenly cut down and brought to nothing. At that point, the person is at a crossroad and may start lamenting, stay in the place of lamentation or just remember that JESUS did not bring him or her this far, no matter what is happening, to abandon him or her and that victory is assured. The victory process has begun.
During the process of breaking through, one is drawn nearer to GOD. When discouraged, the Holy Spirit does HIS Work as the Comforter, leads one to pray and strengthens one’s Faith.
Job 14:7 says ‘there is hope for a tree if it is cut down that it will sprout again and that its tender shoots will not cease’.
A Pastor and his family went to Church for Service and they were called from the Church that their house was burning. By the time they got there, the house had been razed down.
At that time, they could have said ‘oh why me’ but they began to praise GOD for saving their lives. Everyone who heard about the incident brought something to assist them. By the time they finished building the new residence, the former house was like a hen’s house compared to what they now built.
The ALMIGHTY GOD has it all figured out. What keeps one going is the Grace of GOD but assuredly, one would always come out better and bigger if one stays in Faith and remains Prayerful.
Prayer is good therapy because it is communication between one and GOD (not murmuring).
It cannot be overemphasized that reading the Word of GOD – the Bible, is imperative, for out of the Word of GOD, a person is given a Rhema Word, which is a specific Word of Faith for that particular issue and which assures one of the result, no matter what one is going through. The Almighty GOD will give the WORD and it must surely come to pass.
The Grace of GOD is beyond human understanding. Let us take the example of our LORD JESUS Christ. He went through trials, beatings, scourging, was subjected to so much pain beyond one’s imagination and finally nailed to the Cross. Imagine using a pin to prick one’s finger, what pain one feels not to talk of nailing HIM to the Cross, such excruciating pain.
Satan and his cohorts thought they had nailed JESUS to the Cross and since HE had died, that was the end of the story, but they did not know it was the beginning of GLORY that would transcend to all races and generations and the key to Eternal Life.
‘For had they known, they would not have crucified the LORD of GLORY.’ 1st Corinthians 2:8-9, then verse 9 of that chapter reveals the Promise of GOD to HIS children.
The aftermath of the crucifixion and the Resurrection brought all these to being.
Take the account of Paul in 2nd Corinthians 12:7-10. He testified of receiving such wonderful revelations from GOD. So, to keep him from becoming proud, he was given a thorn in his flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment him and keep him from becoming proud.
Three different times, he begged the LORD to take it away and for each of those times, the LORD said ‘HIS Grace is all he needed. HIS Power works best in weakness.’ Paul said he was glad to boast in his weaknesses so that the Power of GOD can work through him. Paul went on to tell us that our present troubles won’t last very long because he was seeing the glorious future ahead. (Please read 2nd Corinthians 4:17-18).
Romans 8:28 assures us that all things work together for our good.
It is always good to remind ourselves that we are a chosen generation – 1st Peter 2:9.
So beloved, the Grace of GOD is amazing. Whatever one is going through now, no matter the pain or hurt, it is not the final bus stop but it is to prune one to become better, brighter, lighter, as all the clutter are removed from one’s life and one is enabled to become a much better person.
Our difficult situation also reveals the Faithfulness of GOD and one begins to fit into GOD’s Purpose and Will. Consequently, one’s life brings out a Christ-like fragrance that is diffused to many. (2nd Corinthians 2:15). We can truly become HIS disciples. The pain now is definitely going to be the Glory, if we can just rest in HIS Amazing Grace, trusting and relying on HIM 100%.
Yes, sometimes it’s not that easy, looking at the circumstances, seeds of doubts may come in and of course, Satan is there to whisper negative thoughts and put fears in one. Logic may also cause one to begin to rationalize on how it will be. But again, by Grace, GOD throws Light into the situation, Comforts one and brings one back to the Realm of Faith. Then one can rest in HIM and remember all that HE had done in the past and HIS Promises. Before one knows it, the lines begin to fall unto pleasant places and the result is glorious. (Psalm 16:6).
Remember HIS Ways are not our ways, neither are HIS thoughts our thoughts. They are deeper and higher. (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Also, HE is the Potter and we are the clay. (Isaiah 64:8) The Potter can do what HE wants with the clay.
Coming out of that tough situation better and humbled by HIS Grace makes one to practically understand the meaning of The LORD is my Shepherd (Psalm 23:1). So, without any hesitation, one can say but for GOD’s Grace.
Just like when a pregnant woman gives birth, she forgets the trauma and pain of childbirth after seeing the bundle of joy besides her. She cannot vividly tell what she went through because the pain has ceased, and Joy is before her. Glory to JESUS.
So, it is the Grace of GOD despite stormy winds that takes us to our glorious destinies.
Let us not forget the cloud of witnesses that have gone before us and did not give up nor fall by the wayside. They are an assurance and motivation for us. Therefore, we need to lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us so we can run this race.
Let’s read Hebrews 12:1-2,
“Therefore we all also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of GOD.”
Beloved, remember ‘Never give up on GOD. HE ALONE will do what only HE can do’ Amen. HIS Grace will be more than sufficient to cushion the pain and hurt but ultimately it is for a greater Glory.
Thank you for coming this far.
All Glory be to JESUS.
Beloved, do you have a relationship with our LORD JESUS Christ? HE is our LORD, Saviour and Redeemer. HE is the Only Begotten Son of GOD. HE died for mankind, to reconcile us back to GOD.
JESUS is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one can come to the FATHER except through HIM. (John 14:6). Please, Beloved, now is the time of Salvation. Do not procrastinate. Tomorrow may be too late.
What you need to do:
1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner.
2. Ask for forgiveness of your sins.
3. Accept JESUS as your LORD and Saviour.
4. Fellowship with your new LORD.
5. Please attend a Bible believing Church.
For the time being, if there is a lockdown in your Area, kindly listen online. The Almighty GOD order your steps. Surely, Beloved, your life can never be the same again. Congratulations.
Thank you, beloved brethren, for reading and also sharing the post. Thanks to our wonderful contributors who share their experiences with us. We appreciate your contributions and we also invite you the reader to contribute to the topic as led by the Holy Spirit.
The Almighty GOD guard and guide us. HIS Presence shall overshadow us and ours. Remember HIS Amazing Grace. GOD bless and keep us all.
Thank YOU, JESUS, for Your Amazing Grace. All Glory be to GOD. Hallelujah.
Love us all with the Love of the LORD.
Myrtle Dogho
The depth of God’s grace for us is truly amazing and one can not possibly fathom it. All we need to constantly do is to let His grace in us shine very brightly for the world to see so as to believe and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. When I think of the happenings in the world especially with the COVID19 pandemic, l just give thanks and glory to our Most High the Lord of Host for His grace and banner of protection over us. Glory and honour to God from everlasting to everlasting in Jesus Mighty name. Amen
Amen and Amen 🙏 Thanks beloved Sis yes oh GOD’s Grace is amazing We appreciate your contribution GOD bless you 🙏
I agree with you madam totally with this your write up once again. More grace to you beloved. Receive multiple grace in Jesus mighty name. I pick that word of yours that ” one will come out better and bigger” from whatever bad situation one as a true Christian is going now. Yes the bible said in Provebs 23:18 surely there is an end. No matter how tough the situation is now just let it be written in your soul that there is an end of that nonsense of the wicked in your life or in your family or marriage right now. I pray we receive the grace to stay on with Jehovah God in Jesus mighty name. Because it is when we can stay on the expected manifestations can happen. And we must dig to gathered hard mystery from the word of God to handle the hard situation before us. And we must first take time to study this mystery in the word of God before one can speak them into the hard situation. Read Prov24:1-2 Your mouth cannot speak power if your heart have not study. Grace cannot multiple in one’s life if one have not study the scriptures and allow it be written in one’s heart. It is worth of note here that our English our certificates, our age, our experiences in our professions cannot handle hard situations before. This is the reason why we must take out time to study the mystery of the gospel and when we speak to hard and ugly situations power will follow and such hard situation have no option than to manifest glory and testimonies. May this be our experiences henceforth. And may grace of God be multiple upon us and keep speaking in our lives in Jesus mighty name
Amen and Amen beloved Pastor Thank you for your contribution and double portion of the Anointing always we appreciate your contribution GOD bless you 🙏
Always refreshing!
Thanks beloved All Glory to GOD 🙏