Beloved, Happy New Month. This is to wish us a glorious, blissful and fruitful 2021. All Glory be to GOD Almighty. Welcome to this post. It is not by accident that you are on this post. GOD bless you.

Our last post was – the LORD is Faithful and True. The LORD is indeed Faithful and True. Today, the topic before us is – ‘Ambassador of The Almighty GOD’.

An Ambassador is a representative of his/her country in a foreign land. He takes care of all matters and issues relating to his home country and returns to his home office when necessary 1. He and his family accrue special benefits for their service rendered in a foreign land. Apart from the immunity enjoyed, there are other special benefits and privileges.

In the same vein, an Ambassador of the Almighty GOD is HIS representative and serves HIS interests here on Earth. He refers matters or issues to GOD through prayers with thanksgiving.

To be an Ambassador of GOD connotes that there is a relationship between that person and GOD which also implies that the person is a lover of GOD. As HIS Ambassador, GOD is committed to ensuring that one receives the benefits and rewards that accrue to service, which include divine immunity for the entire household. The connection to GOD is established when one becomes HIS child, thus becoming a member of the family of GOD.

For one to become a part of HIS household and HIS Ambassador, the first step is to surrender one’s life to our LORD JESUS Christ. In John 14:6,

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

When the relationship is established, other steps will follow thus: reading and honouring HIS Word, communicating with HIM, and obeying HIS Word and Instructions. In other words, that person has plugged himself or herself into the socket of the Almighty GOD through our LORD JESUS Christ and draws from HIM just as we connect the socket to the mains power to receive light.

As one is in tune with HIM- as HIS child representing HIM in words, in action, in conduct, in all ramifications and doing what gives HIM pleasure- HE is committed to caring for him as a FATHER. Having established the relationship, one can represent HIM as HIS Ambassador.

It is not necessary that one is ordained a Pastor or Bishop or Reverend before becoming an Ambassador of GOD. Take the example of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10. Zacchaeus was a rich chief tax collector. The people at that time considered tax collectors as corrupt. However, Zacchaeus proved to be different as he had a pure heart and was willing to do the will of GOD in spite of the society’s perception.

When he heard that JESUS was passing through Jericho, he was determined to see JESUS. However, he knew that it might not be feasible because of the mammoth crowd as he was a short man. He did not allow these to be a barrier, he went the extra mile and climbed a sycamore tree not minding that he was a wealthy man. His personality was of no consequence to him, all he desired was to have a glimpse of JESUS. JESUS saw him and stopped at the sycamore tree. HE told Zacchaeus to come down as HE must stay in his house that day.

Who was Zacchaeus? Zacchaeus was a man who desired to please GOD. He willingly gave to the poor half of his wealth and restored four folds of whatever he had wrongly taken without anyone coercing him. He was not attached to his worldly goods. He was willing to restitute where he had gone wrong.

Though, he was not a Priest or Pastor, he was willing to live right and be an Ambassador of the Almighty GOD through his service and conduct. Zacchaeus found favour, brought Salvation to himself and his entire household. The LORD Himself, our LORD JESUS Christ visited HIM.

What indescribable joy – Joy unspeakable must have filled his home that day and a great transformation must have taken place by the contact with our LORD JESUS Christ. Luke 19:1-10.

Beloved, let us determine, as Zacchaeus, to diligently seek the LORD, to do works pleasing unto HIM as HIS Ambassadors so that GOD can use us to bless and touch people’s lives in various ways. Remember, GOD is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM. Hebrews 11:6.

The Almighty GOD help us all in JESUS Name. Amen. We thank GOD that we have come this far.

Thank you beloved, but do you have a relationship with our LORD JESUS Christ, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, our Confidence? Are you connected to HIM? JESUS desires to come into your life if you will allow HIM. People’s opinion or perception of you is of no consequence to your Salvation. Now is the appointed time to do so. Now is the time of Salvation. Please do not procrastinate as tomorrow may be too late.

What you need to do:
1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner
2. Ask for forgiveness of your sins
3. Accept JESUS as your LORD and Saviour
4. Fellowship with your new LORD
5. Please attend a Bible believing Church and If there is a lock down in your area, please join a Bible believing Church online.

The Almighty GOD guide and guard you in your journey of life. Surely your life can never be the same. Congratulations. Thank you once again for coming thus far.

To all our contributors, thank you so very much. We love you all.

To everyone of us, the Almighty GOD bless us, the work of our hands and reward us abundantly. The LORD enlarge our coasts and bless our families and Ministries.

Thank you all.

All Glory be to GOD. Thank YOU JESUS.

GOD keep us and please remember to share.


Myrtle Dogho.

[1] Please note that, ‘he’, ‘his’, ‘she’ or ‘her’ can be used to refer to an Ambassador not necessarily a specific gender.