THANK GOD for a brand new day to GOD Alone be all the Glory
Greetings in Jesus name,
Today, I want to share an experience and as companions or friends of our LORD JESUS Christ, I want us to prayerfully contribute.
Someone somewhere may be having this challenge and as the Holy Spirit leads, our focus will be on issues confronting us but we’re unable to share.
The LORD HIMSELF will help us.
So here we are:
Coming from Church one afternoon at a junction before branching off to a major road, I saw a jeep and a car parked along the Road with few people were gathered.
A young man most probably in his early twenties was said to be driving the jeep and had hit the car at the back.
People gathered round the young man because he was trying to negotiate a bend to run away.
There was a scuffle as the owner of the car wanted to take the keys of the jeep from him, I suddenly felt pity for the young man as two matured men were all over him saying the young man was not fit to drive as he was drunk.
Anyway, they overpowered him and took the keys from him, their intention was to drive him and also take their car to his parents for repairs.
I was moved because this slim and tall, young man was looking unkempt on a Sunday afternoon when many were relaxed in their homes after Church Service.
He was actually drunk as you could perceive the odour from him on close contact.
His parents most likely were unaware of his escapades probably having lunch or siesta or even with friends just relaxing.
All of a sudden, there’ll be knock knock bringing in unexpected trouble and unbudgeted expense with its attendant embarrassment.
How many times would this young man have had similar or other problems all because of his appetite or wrong company or ….., or could it be spiritual?
It was obvious the young man did not want his parents involved but who else would have been involved.
This is just one of the many cases of young people using abusive substances or getting drunk and it bounces back on their immediate families and society at large.
Friends / Companions of our LORD JESUS Christ, the floor is open, what can be done to arrest this ‘monster’?, This young man and others in the same predicament have a destiny to fulfill.
As said earlier, the floor is opened for your contributions and please kindly invite others who may have this challenge to this blog.
GOD bless us all in JESUS Name. Amen.
Great write-up.
Real life situation.
Only the power of Jesus can save from unwholesome appetites.
God bless you Ma.
This generation need Jesus now than ever because the ills and social vices in the society today is alarming. I pray God Almighty to have mercy on us especially our youths. Every Christian need to reach out and earnestly preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is very very near. In fact, His coming is now.
Hmn! Train up a child in the way of the Lord and when he is grown up, he will not depart from it. The church also has the responsibility of equipping the youth spiritually.
Thanks beloved for your support
Parents have a fundamental duty to prayerfully, persistently and purposefully train their children in the way of the Lord Proverbs 22:6 negligence in this regard will result in unpleasant situations for the children, parent, church and the society at large.
Parents should exemplify what they teach their children by ensuring that their lives are consistent with the massages they preach with their lips.
Children should always be made to understand that while they made have the freedom to choice their actions they may not have the liberty to choose the consequences of their actions.
Well explained adverse consequences and early and proper Christian child upbringing should help reverse the ugly trend among our children.
Let the young man move close and be committed to God and accept Him as his Lord and personal saviour then he’ll completely be saved from all of these.
Most parents now have failed in their God given responsibility. they tend to pursue money and wealth at the expense of their children’s upbringing and as such, the children take to bad company. the Bible says evil communication corrupt good manners. when a child is not given proper training it becomes a worst situation.parents need to constantly intercede for the children because most times, they don’t know all the friends the children keep. the young man needs counseling and prayers.
Only the mercy and grace of God can see this young man and all of us through, Christian or none Christian. This young man might have been brought up in God’s way but deviated later. He might not be a Christian. He could be a Christian who is nominal or drinks. He needs prayer and counseling, both christian and social or psychological counseling. Also, we all have to bear each other’s burden. This can be in form of prayers as we neither know him nor have his name, but God knows him and all of us. Let us lift him and every youth or child before God that He should have mercy on them, forgive, save their souls, and recreate them in Christ’s image, keeping them away from works of flesh, filling them with the fruit of the Holy Spirit, even as His grace sees them throughout their lives. Parents sure need prayers too.