Beloved, Welcome.

Thank GOD for HIS Mercies and Faithfulness.

Beloved, that you are on this page is not a mistake. Today we want to discuss on Love or lust? Please let’s ride together.

Let’s look at the characteristics of Love.

The Bible Says in John 3:16, ‘For GOD so loved the World that HE gave HIS only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in HIM, should not perish but have everlasting life.’

Please permit me to dwell some more on the attributes of Love.

Reading 1st Corinthians 13, Love is giving unconditionally (no attachments). Without love, one’s giving amounts to nothing.

Furthermore, 1st Corinthians 13:7 says ‘Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.’

Four great pillars to note in this particular verse are:
• Bears.
• Believes.
• Hopes.
• Endures.

Another translation of 1st Corinthians 13:7 states that ‘Love never gives up, never loses Faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.’

To crown it all, 1st Corinthians 13:8a says ‘Love never fails, other attributes shall vanish but love will stand the test of time.’

So, in summing it up, ‘Love is sacrificial giving, even to the extent of laying down one’s life for friends or loved ones.’

Some people mistake lust for love. Lust is defined as ‘very strong sexual desire, especially when love is not involved.’ The sentence ‘I love you’ has been abused. A person lusts after another and is quick to say, ‘I love you.’ Surely, lust does not have any characteristics of Love. Lust wants to satisfy the flesh and it is extremely selfish.

A young lady that has been jilted and feels unloved jumps at another opportunity when a man shows up, sympathizes with her and soon professes ‘love’. It could just be lust, which has no bearing with love. The trauma of such relationship is better imagined since the parties are not on the same page. It is better to define relationships and to have boundaries or limits.

Consider a case of Simeon who just wanted to have ‘fun’ with Juliet and had boasted to his friends about what he intended to do with her. Meanwhile, he had a fiancée outside the state which was unknown to Juliet. Simeon was a smooth talker and Juliet believed him. She felt that he loved her. Juliet gave her all to the relationship and daydreamed about Simeon, always looking forward to his visits. Anyway, one thing led to another and Juliet got pregnant. That was when the bubble burst and Simeon informed her of his true state, he was engaged to Helen and the two families were involved. Juliet was flabbergasted but the deed had been done. Simeon’s family was informed of the incident. Helen was also informed of what had happened. Saying that she was disappointed is an understatement. She was shocked. Needless to say, it was an ugly triangle. Juliet felt it was a nightmare.

The reality dawned on Simeon, the ‘player’, that he had messed up big time. He cannot eat his cake and have it. Anyway, after a while, Simeon’s parents summoned him and Helen to a Meeting. Simeon insisted he loved Helen and apologized profusely for his action blaming the devil. He promised never ever to hurt her again. Simeon’s parents scolded him and apologized to Helen. She loved Simeon but could not trust him again. The parents knew there was a missing link in their relationship and fences that needed to be mended.

The characteristics of Love does not give room to cheating because we are commanded to love one another and even to lay down our lives for the ones we love. Love is commitment. Simeon continued to apologize to Helen that it was human error. He begged her to forgive and accept him back. Helen really loved Simeon. Love is selfless. She thought Juliet could not be abandoned since she was pregnant for Simeon.

Simeon’s parents intervened and also invited their Pastor who counseled Simeon and Helen. In the process of the counseling sessions, the Pastor led them to give their lives to our LORD JESUS Christ. Helen forgave Simeon. They both gave their lives to JESUS. The Pastor helped Simeon and Helen to discover the missing link that was in their relationship, which was the LORD JESUS Christ.

To have a meaningful relationship, they need to have a personal relationship with GOD, who by HIS Grace would help them to truly love each other, praying for one another. The Pastor emphasized that a threefold cord cannot be easily broken, that the LORD JESUS Christ must be in the centre of the relationship to complete the threefold cord. They began to understand the characteristics of love according to the Word of GOD. Joy was restored to their relationship and Helen learnt to trust Simeon again. It was agreed that Simeon would take full responsibility for the child.

The next year, Juliet gave birth to a baby boy, Simeon and Helen got married.
Such an amazing GOD. Wondering what happened to Juliet, kindly watch out for the next post.

Dearly beloved, if you do not have a relationship with the LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, you are most welcome to begin now.

Wondering how to go about it?

1. Believe that JESUS is the LORD and SAVIOUR and that HE died for us.

2. Confess your sins and ask for Mercy, ask HIM to forgive you and wash you in HIS Blood.

Please give your life to HIM, surrender your will to HIS. HE is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.

Assuredly, beloved, if you have taken this bold step you shall have the most life changing experience and you shall never be the same again. Your life shall be from Glory to Glory.

Beloved, thank you for reading through, we thank you in advance for your contributions and for sharing this post. Someone somewhere needs to be encouraged, so do us a favour by kindly sharing this post.

To our contributors, a big thanks to you all, your labour of love shall not be in vain. Please, we still await your contributions.

GOD bless us all.

Also, please don’t forget to share.

Love you all with the love of GOD.


Thank you, beloved partners.
