Beloved we are grateful to GOD Almighty for being alive, fine and well. All Glory be to HIM ALONE for HIS Faithfulness and Mercies Amen. I assure you that it is not an error that you are on this platform – welcome. The Almighty GOD bless you and me abundantly.
Today we are looking at the fact that we may have given up on GOD because of the challenges we are going through, but GOD has not and will never give up on us.
Many of us are going through one challenge or the other, and we are like when will this come to an end? Will this issue ever be resolved? Be of good cheer, I have good news for you. It will end in praise – Amen.
JESUS is the ONE who is the Solution. HE will come through for you and me. How do I know this? Because HE has come through before in many ways beyond my expectations. Just take a moment to reflect and you will see GOD’s Awesome Faithfulness in the past. Will HE do it again? Yes, HE will do it again. Just hold on, put your hands in HIS Hands, and ask HIM to divinely intervene. Does HE care? Yes, of course HE does. Is HE aware of the pain, the hurt, the disappointments? Yes, HE is aware. So, why is the waiting so long? The waiting is because your testimony will bring many to HIM, and HIS Name shall be glorified. It is a great privilege to be an instrument to showcase GOD’s Faithfulness and Loving Kindnesses – for HE makes all things beautiful in HIS time.
Looking at the story of Lazarus in the Bible (John 11:1-44) has been so encouraging in times of waiting.
Lazarus, a friend of JESUS, was sick. JESUS knew but did not show up immediately, and the sickness led to his death. Yet, HE did not show up. Lazarus was buried and it was like: Lazarus is dead and buried. Let us just take consolation that we shall meet on the Resurrection Morning.
Suddenly, JESUS showed up on the 4th day after Lazarus’ burial. Human logic said, ‘JESUS if you had come on time Lazarus would not have died but now he stinks.’ Human reasoning proclaimed that it was too late. Beloved when JESUS shows up, everything takes shape, the lines fall in pleasant places, the Heavens and Earth are at attention. Everything recognizes that MASTER has come. There is newness, fresh air and orderliness. The ugly becomes beautiful. The ashes turn to beauty.
Do you know that HE Honours HIS Word more than HIS Name that is above all names? JESUS Specialises in making the impossible possible. That issue becomes a symbol of celebration because HE makes all things beautiful in HIS Own time. JESUS told the people to roll away the stone which was used to cover the cave where Lazarus was buried. HE looked up to Heaven gave thanks to the Almighty GOD and called Lazarus forth. The dead man came out his hands and feet bound in grave clothes, his face wrapped in a head cloth. JESUS told them ‘loose him and let him go.’
That challenge is rolled away.
Hold on JESUS is coming.
Hold on JESUS is calling.
Hold on JESUS is speaking.
GOD Shall be honoured in that situation. It does not matter the hopelessness, the helplessness, the enormity, the age, or the amount of time you have been going through that issue. JESUS will be glorified and your life and mine will bring many to the knowledge of the Master and Saviour, JESUS Christ. HE said in HIS Word in Isaiah 45:22: ‘Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am GOD, and there is none else.’
Do you know HIM? Do you have a personal relationship with JESUS Christ the Only begotten Son of GOD Who is the Way, The Truth and Life?
‘JESUS saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by me.’ John 14:6 KJV
It is my pleasure to introduce to you the LORD and Saviour JESUS Christ through Whom we have access to the FATHER and Eternal life.
Life becomes beautiful and meaningful when we know HIM and honour HIM in our lives. Through JESUS, the essence of life is actualized. You can give your life to HIM by asking HIM to come into your life.
Please come the way you are – no covering up, no embellishment. HE already knows us and HE is waiting for us to call on HIM to help us, save us from our sins and connect us back to the FATHER. In fact, we are joint heirs with our LORD and Saviour JESUS Christ and HE does not want us to lose our inheritance to satan the deceiver.
This is my humble invitation: Let JESUS take over that challenge and make you whole, then the essence of living shall be made manifest.
‘For God so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ John 3:16 KJV
JESUS desires to come into your life if you will allow HIM. No matter who you are HE will transform you. Please surrender your life to HIM.
Now is the appointed time to do so and start a relationship with HIM. Now is the time of Salvation. Please do not procrastinate as tomorrow may be too late.
What you need to do:
1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner
2. Ask for forgiveness of your sins
3. Accept JESUS as your LORD and Saviour
4. Fellowship with your new LORD.
5. Please attend a Bible believing Church and be intentional with your relationship with JESUS.
The Almighty GOD guide and guard us in our journey of life. Surely your life can never be the same when you surrender to JESUS. So, I congratulate you for your decision to take this bold step. Thank you.
To all our contributors we also thank you so very much.
To every one of us, the Almighty GOD bless us, establish the work of our hands, and reward us abundantly. May the LORD reveal HIMSELF to us more and more. That challenge will honour GOD in our lives.
Thank YOU, our LORD and Saviour.
Please beloved do remember to share.
We love us all with the Love of the LORD.
Myrtle Dogho